Monday, October 19, 2009

Buoy Meets Girl

John Birmingham has written this beautiful piece about why people care about Jessica Watson. 

"Many teenagers will die while Jessica Watson is at sea. Many of them, perhaps most of them, will die violently in car crashes.

Some will pour out what's left of their lives in a thin trickle of poisoned blood under a bridge, in a squat, or perhaps in some back street when they overdose on smack, or speed, or what ever household chemical their dealer used to cut that final shot. Some will be murdered by their partners. A few by strangers. Some  young girls will starve themselves to death. Some young men will die of the utterfoolishness that  characterises their gender at that age. And some, too many, will succumb to the creeping void and take their own lives.

The vast majority of teenagers, of course, will see out the next eight months as  they saw off the last eight – in a pointless round of sullen, hormone choked hissy fits, dark moods, vertiginous upswingsand long periods of eye glazing boredom. Perhaps they'll get in a little bit of binge  drinking at one of those booze fueled shag bracelet parties the tabloids are so worried about."

When I was 16, I had a drag of a friend's cigarette. Once. Ooh, the risk!

Jessica Watson is attempting to become the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world. As the 16 year-old makes her way towards New Zealand, she told her blog she's enjoying the freedom.

"No deadlines, nothing to rush off to, I can eat whatever I like whenever I like, no one to send me off to bed!"

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